April 27, 2024


If you’re a student or academic, and working on a paper or project related to the Millennial Generation, here are some resources you may find useful! We’ve made sure to include a link to each organization as well as a description of how or why that organization may be of use to you:

For in-depth studies, theses, and articles on the Millennial generation, you can explore academic journals, databases, and repositories. Here are some platforms where you can find high-quality research:


  • Website: JSTOR
  • How they may be of use to you: JSTOR provides access to a vast collection of academic journals, books, and primary sources. It’s a great resource for finding scholarly articles on a variety of topics related to the Millennial generation.


  • Website: PubMed
  • How they may be of use to you: If you’re interested in health-related studies, PubMed is a comprehensive database of biomedical and life sciences literature. It includes research on various health aspects relevant to Millennials.

Google Scholar:

  • Website: Google Scholar
  • How they may be of use to you: Google Scholar is a freely accessible search engine that indexes scholarly articles. It’s an excellent tool for finding academic papers and theses across disciplines.


  • Website: ProQuest
  • How they may be of use to you: ProQuest is a multidisciplinary database that includes dissertations, theses, and academic articles. It covers a wide range of topics related to the Millennial generation.


  • Website: ScienceDirect
  • How they may be of use to you: ScienceDirect is a leading full-text scientific database, offering access to a vast collection of research articles in various fields, including social sciences.

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center):

  • Website: ERIC
  • How they may be of use to you: ERIC focuses on education-related literature, making it an essential resource for research on Millennial educational trends, challenges, and innovations.

Social Science Research Network (SSRN):

  • Website: SSRN
  • How they may be of use to you: SSRN provides working papers and preprints in the social sciences, making it a valuable resource for accessing the latest research on Millennials.


  • Website: Academia.edu
  • How they may be of use to you: Academia.edu is a platform where researchers share their papers and theses. You can find a variety of research on Millennials across different disciplines.

SAGE Journals:

  • Website: SAGE Journals
  • How they may be of use to you: SAGE publishes journals in various fields, and you can find articles and studies related to the Millennial generation on their platform.

Taylor & Francis Online:

  • Website: Taylor & Francis Online
  • How they may be of use to you: Taylor & Francis is a publisher with a wide range of academic journals covering diverse topics, including those related to Millennials.

Pew Research Center:

  • Website: Pew Research Center
  • How they may be of use to you: Pew conducts extensive research on a wide range of topics, including generational trends, economic issues, and social attitudes.

U.S. Census Bureau:

  • Website: U.S. Census Bureau
  • How they may be of use to you: For demographic data and statistics on population trends, educational attainment, income, and more.

Brookings Institution:

  • Website: Brookings Institution
  • How they may be of use to you: Brookings provides research on economic and social policy, offering insights into the challenges faced by Millennials.

Urban Institute:

  • Website: Urban Institute
  • How they may be of use to you: The Urban Institute focuses on social and economic policy research, providing in-depth analyses on issues relevant to Millennials.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES):

  • Website: NCES
  • How they may be of use to you: NCES offers comprehensive data on education in the U.S., including trends in student demographics and educational outcomes.

Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED):

  • Website: FRED
  • How they may be of use to you: Access to economic data, including employment trends, income distribution, and inflation rates.

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS):

  • Website: BLS
  • How they may be of use to you: Provides labor market data, employment statistics, and information on wages and inflation.

Kaiser Family Foundation:

  • Website: Kaiser Family Foundation
  • How they may be of use to you: Focuses on health issues, offering insights into healthcare access and trends.

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER):

  • Website: NBER
  • How they may be of use to you: Publishes working papers and research on a wide range of economic issues affecting Millennials.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • Website: CDC
  • How they may be of use to you: Provides health-related data and research on topics like mental health, substance abuse, and infectious diseases.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD):

  • Website: HUD
  • How they may be of use to you: Offers data on housing trends, affordability, and programs aimed at assisting with housing needs.

National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL):

  • Website: NCSL
  • How they may be of use to you: Examines state-level policies and legislation, providing a broader perspective on how states address Millennial issues.